jbl peaks on peaks

jbl peaks on peaks

the creation of the landing page was a pivotal step in launching the Peaks on Peaks campaign, introducing the new Endurance Peak 3 earbuds. the landing page served as a platform for hosting all three phases of the campaign: generating awareness, hosting a live show, and providing a comprehensive post-show summary. the campaign prominently featured renowned pro-snowboarder Russell Winfield, effectively showcasing the exceptional performance of the earbuds in parallel with Russell's expertise and achievements in the world of snowboarding.

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core design principles...


the project involved developing a landing page to promote jbl's new headphones through a three-phase approach. in phase one, the focus was on creating awareness for the event. phase two involved hosting a live event on the website using youtube. finally, in phase three, the event was recapped, and the headphones were further promoted. to ensure a smooth transition between phases, a modular system was implemented, allowing seamless movement up or down the page.
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peaks on peaks

the peaks on peaks campaign combined basketball players and snowboarding into a single event, showcasing the remarkable performance of the Endurance Peak 3 earbuds in intense conditions. the event featured snowboarders displaying unique fashion while tearing up the slopes. incorporating design elements from the campaign, including basketball cards, and seamlessly merging them with jbl branding, the overall aesthetic exuded a chic and magazine-like look and feel.
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