

our team was tasked with redesigning Resolve's website with the goal of capturing the attention of millennial pet owners. the primary objective was to develop a visual design system that expressed a friendly and playful vibe, while also emphasizing Resolve's position as a trusted expert in cleaning up after pets' mishaps. the focus was on highlighting the joy and fun associated with pet ownership while assuring users that Resolve was there to handle the messy aspects. the content was deliberately kept simple, allowing for the creation of unique page layouts that distinctly represented Resolve.

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core design principles...

friendly & playful

the design approach aimed to cultivate a warm and playful atmosphere through the use of imagery, shades of red, illustrations, and organic shapes. the goal was to create a user experience that felt approachable and friendly. the interface featured rounded UI elements, enhancing the overall user interaction and making it more inviting. to avoid overwhelming users with excessive product options, a minimalist approach was adopted, presenting the products simply and clearly. additionally, user needs were taken into consideration, providing the ability to filter products based on individual requirements.
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trusted expert

the objective was to establish Resolve as a trusted expert not only offline, but online as well. the website was meticulously designed to ensure user-friendliness, with a focus on creating a seamless and intuitive experience. attention to detail was given to designing UI elements, streamlining the use of colors, and establishing a type scale. Furthermore, illustrations were thoughtfully crafted to align with the brand's tone, enhancing the overall visual appeal and cohesiveness of the website.
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