Staybl hero image with a few screens


product design, ui design, iPad app design, design system, accessibility, brand design

Staybl is an iPad-only app that stemmed from a passion to create meaningful work between the Havas CX and Germany teams. Our goal was to create an app that could counteract a Parkinson’s patient’s tremor in order for them to use their device more efficiently.

Staybl main screen with Google as the landing page

In order for patients to seamlessly transition from their typical browser to our app, we referenced existing browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari and carried over standard functionalities and design elements. We kept things like bookmarks, history, and search the same while integrating stabilization settings into the UI.

Staybl button designs

While designing UI elements, our focus was on accessibility. We used the typeface, Atkinson Hyperlegible, which was developed by the Braille Institute to increase legibility and readability for low vision readers. Our buttons were larger than average with plenty of padding and our colors created optimal contrast between the elements on the page.

Staybl menu UI
Staybl compensation setting screen
Staybl browser screen
Staybl screen to zoom in
Staybl menu screen


Cannes Lions Health & Wellness - 1x Gold / 1x Silver

Cannes Lions Design - 1x Silver

Kiev International Festival - 1x Gold / 1x Silver

Epica Awards - 2x Gold / 1x Silver / 1x Bronze

Golden Award of Montreux - 1x Gold

The One Show - 2x Silver / 4x Bronze

D&AD Awards - Digital Design - Wood Pencil

The Clio Awards - 2x Silver / 6x Bronze

Annual Anthem Awards - 5x Gold / 2x Silver

WSA - World Summit Awards - 2022

Eurobest - 1x Gold / 1x Silver / 1x Bronze

LIA - London International Awards - 2x Gold / 4x Silver / 1x Bronze